Daniel 9 24-27 jewish commentary on the book

Therefore, this prophecy is at that time concluded. Daniel, understanding from the prophecies of jeremiah that the seventy years captivity was now terminating, pours out his soul in fervent prayer to god, and earnestly supplicates pardon and restoration for his captive people, daniel 9. Daniel 9 purports itself to have been written during the babylonian captivity of the sixth century b. Augustines methodology for the interpretation of scripture represented an expansive understanding of both authority. The book of daniel, typological exegesis, jubilee, jewish. The need for more attention to jubilee in daniel 9. That study examined what two of the main advocates of a 39 bc start for herods reign, w.

In the seventeenth century a very learned jew published a book in which he set forth the claims of jesus christ to be the jewish messiah. When thus supplicating god in behalf of israel, the angel gabriel is sent to inform him of the seventy prophetic weeks, or four hundred and. This observation also explains why the critics try so hard to debunk. Breviarium chronologicum on the epoch of the last destruction of jerusalem 1704 this destruction of jerusalem happened at the time of the expiration of the 70 angelical weeks, which, according to dan. It would be hard to find another prophecy where the christian and jewish interpretations let alone what scholars say about it are so incompatible. As shown in the above covenant eschatology commentary on daniel 9.

Daniels prayer for the restoration of the jews who were in captivity, in which he confesses sin, and acknowledges the justice of god in their calamities, but pleads gods promises of mercy which he had yet in store for them. Check your study bible and you will see what i mean. Recall that daniel wrote this chapter as a jewish exile in babylon. Since, no one latedates daniel to the time of christ, daniel 9. But even jewish scholars who read daniel 9 literally dont see the anointed one as jesus, but as another leader such as zerubabel or joshua who led israel after the return from babylon, or the persian king cyrus who is called gods anointed in isaiah 45.

In the preface to the book he told how he himself had been converted by listening to a debate between a knowledgeable jew and a christian convert from judaism over the meaning of this passage in daniel 9. Jews for judaism daniel 9 a true biblical interpretation. Commentaries commentaries on the book of the prophet daniel grand rapids. The mysteries of daniel and the 70 weeks historical preterism. He is assured of the speedy release of the jews out. Therefore, the sevens in this verse are seven hebrew years. There, the angel gabriel has come to explain to daniel the meaning of his visions. The book of homilies of the convert to catholicism vitale medici.

Because hippolytus was acquainted with second temple literature, jewish interpretation of the seventy sevens may also have informed his commentary on daniel. An immediate answer sent him by an angel to his prayer, in which, 1. The only thing that was not interpreted for him was chapter 8. It is hard to say which group of scholars has the better explanation, but. And he shall confirm the covenant with many the covenant to be confirmed by the messiah is not a civil, but a religious compact, as such, styled by daniel himself, the holy covenant, daniel 11. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks chapter 9 of the book of daniel is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel in response to daniels prayer for god to act on behalf of his people and city i. Daniel 9 commentary matthew henry commentary on the.

He divides the first sixtynine weeks into two periods, the first of seven weeks and the second of sixtytwo weeks. It is the only old testament passage which refers to the messiah as messiah. In the first year of darius the son of ahasuerus, of the lineage of the medes, who was made king over the realm of the chaldeans. Im curious to know the jewish understanding of daniel 9. John crowne, the destruction of jerusalem by titus vespasian amongst the angels pronouncements is the statement thy weeks are finishd. Daniel the prophet receives an intriguing prophecy from the archangel gabriel in this passage, known as the seventy weeks prophecy, for gabriel gives a seventyweek time frame for the coming of the messiah.

After his baptism, jesus began his ministry in the jewish synagogue in nazareth. In this chapter gabriel tells him about a period of 490 years concerning the messiah, the jewish nation, and the temple. And, it should be apparent to any intelligent person, if an expositor cannot correctly explain the seven weeks in daniel 9. Schmidt, hippolytus commentary on daniel with notes pdf 1677. This scroll was sealed at the end of the book of daniel and opened at the time of the end. Christians contend that it is a perfect calculation of the coming of jesus. However, because of the poetic, nonlinear style in which it is written, many are erroneously waiting for the antichrist to make a peace treaty with the jews for seven years. Moreover, he discovered israel would return to palestine at the end of the 70 years. Analysis of views regarding the 70 weeks of daniel 9. He was startled to find that jeremiah had prophesied israels captivity jeremiah 25. Daniel 9 is one of the most difficult and controversial prophecies in the tenach. Using sir robert andersons 360day prophetic year to.

Modern skepticism of miracles and prophecy were applied to the biblical text as scholars attempted to discern the true authors behind the. Daniel 9 new international version niv daniels prayer. That which is foretold by daniel is the complete and final destruction of the same city and temple which evoked the prophets prayer. This misunderstanding results from the fact that the descriptions of the messiah and the beast are interwoven in. Now in the first year of cyrus king of persia, that the word of the lrd by the mouth of jeremiah might be. Starting from the destruction of jerusalem we can now see the meaning of daniel 9. Steinmann, had written in defense of their position. This article will survey early jewish exegesis of dan 9.

Daniels seventy 70 weeks is a mighty revelation that provides a straightforward calculation of the messiahs baptism, passion, destruction of jerusalem and the temple, and eventual destruction. This morning we come to one of the most crucial prophetic passages in scripture for it concerns both events that are still in the future for us and is confirmed by the events predicted that have already taken place. From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild. Such is the case with all modern expositions of daniel 9.

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